I’m writing to condemn the recent anti-gay bill signed into law by our President Jonathan Goodluck.
law – which contains penalties of up to 14 years in prison for anyone
in a same-sex marriage or civil union, 10 years for anyone who attends a
same-sex wedding, 10 years for anyone involved with an LGBT
organization, and even 10 years for anyone who shows affection for
someone of the same sex – should be cast out.
Since the law was
passed, police across Nigeria have begun arresting and torturing dozens
of our fellow citizens suspected of being gay.
Don’t forget that
in some of our states, if you are found guilty of being gay, you could
be stoned to death. First of all, this law was unnecessary. There is not
space in the existing constitution for gay marriage.
constitution is very definitive of marriage as a union between man and
woman. I see the signing in of this law for what it was: a cheap shot by
an under-achieving government to discriminate against people because
they are different.
The president of Nigeria has a PhD, so he
should understand better than most the implications of the law. Even if
he couldn’t stop the senate from passing the bill, he had the power to
delay signing it as a way of protecting the gay community.
President has had the Petroleum Industry Bill in front of him for years,
and he and our senators have stalled on the bill calling for harsher
punishment for corruption. Meanwhile, Nigeria’s senate has just
sanctioned pedophilia in our constitution (girls that are as young as 9
years old can continue to be married in if they are “physically
developed enough” according to their parents or prospective husbands) –
so this the ban on homosexuality can hardly be a so-called “moral”
issue. This is simply a move for cheap political points. Meanwhile,
people’s lives hang in the balance.
Today I am writing this not as
a fight for “gay rights”, I am fighting for all rights. People should
be allowed to express themselves freely and this includes their
sexuality. I believe all gay people should come out and organize openly.
I expect that society should allow them live their lives as they
please. It’s not a cultural thing – it’s a sexual thing.
I have
even heard people say it’s Western culture imposed on us and if the West
doesn’t recognize polygamy we should not accept homosexuality. This is
the kind of scary ignorance that this kind of law will foster. (I can
say for a fact that the constitution of Nigeria does not recognize
We have customary laws that are non-binding, but our
secular courts and national constitution does not allow polygamy even
though it’s “our culture.”) I believe in education as the answer to any
problem and I know this law does not educate positively. It just
criminalizes and institutionalizes hate towards the gay community.
a call to action: I believe the gay community should come out! They
need to put love above fear. I also believe that gay people in Africa
not just Nigeria who are being targeted like this should put pressure on
the West by claiming asylum in their countries. I think we are about to
see a new wave of sexual refugees!
Love over fear should be the way forward.
Seun Kuti
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/58767.html