Monday, 8 September 2014

“Women Can’t Seperate Us” – Smash & Vast Of Bracket Reveal

Nigerian sensational music duo, Bracket have revealed in a recent interview with Sunday Express that nothing can come between them, not even money and women.
The Yori-Yori crooners who have been through a lot together revealed that they’ve learned so much and wouldn’t let anything minor bring about a split between them, they said;

“Money has not separated us, so women won’t do that to us. We had a little issue about money in the past and we settled it. So when it comes to women or when Smash sees me with people who will not add value to my life, he warns me. And when I don’t listen, he will let me be. Then when it all goes wrong, he will still be the person I come back to. I don’t think women or money can be a problem between us at this stage”
Speaking on Marriage, they said;
“Marriage is a must-do thing and we are not getting any younger. Within the next two-three years we should do that. We are still single but we are not getting any younger. We would love to get married”

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